Serene Air

SereneAir is a private airline company and a new entrant to the Pakistani aviation industry. It was founded in 2016 and since then has been growing quickly, competing with other local airlines that have been operating for decades in the country.

This redesign was my final project for a Visual Literacy course I took as part of my Master's degree. The focus was to improve the visual and interaction design for one user flow, in this case being the journey from searching a flight all the way to purchasing it.

SereneAir is a private airline company and a new entrant to the Pakistani aviation industry. It was founded in 2016 and since then has been growing quickly, competing with other local airlines that have been operating for decades in the country.

This redesign was my final project for a Visual Literacy course I took as part of my Master's degree. The focus was to improve the visual and interaction design for one user flow, in this case being the journey from searching a flight all the way to purchasing it.

SereneAir is a private airline company and a new entrant to the Pakistani aviation industry. It was founded in 2016 and since then has been growing quickly, competing with other local airlines that have been operating for decades in the country.

This redesign was my final project for a Visual Literacy course I took as part of my Master's degree. The focus was to improve the visual and interaction design for one user flow, in this case being the journey from searching a flight all the way to purchasing it.

SereneAir is a private airline company and a new entrant to the Pakistani aviation industry. It was founded in 2016 and since then has been growing quickly, competing with other local airlines that have been operating for decades in the country.

This redesign was my final project for a Visual Literacy course I took as part of my Master's degree. The focus was to improve the visual and interaction design for one user flow, in this case being the journey from searching a flight all the way to purchasing it.

SereneAir is a private airline company and a new entrant to the Pakistani aviation industry. It was founded in 2016 and since then has been growing quickly, competing with other local airlines that have been operating for decades in the country.

This redesign was my final project for a Visual Literacy course I took as part of my Master's degree. The focus was to improve the visual and interaction design for one user flow, in this case being the journey from searching a flight all the way to purchasing it.

SereneAir Home 3

The Challenge

Considering that SereneAir is a relatively new airline and the fact that UX Design as a profession is still in its early-stages, it is no surprise that their website is not the most user-friendly. For the purpose of this assignment, I focused on the homepage, as well as the flight purchase user-flow, that is:

Search for flight     >>>    Select Flights     >>>    Add Passenger Details   >>>   Payment    >>>   Confirmation   

Some of the issues with the current website (as of writing) include but are not limited to: the lack of visibility of elements, delays in user feedback, the presence of unnecessary steps, and lack of clarity at certain steps.


Considering that SereneAir is a relatively new airline and the fact that UX Design as a profession is still in its early-stages, it is no surprise that their website is not the most user-friendly. For the purpose of this assignment, I focused on the homepage, as well as the flight purchase user-flow, that is:

Search for flight     >>>    Select Flights     >>>    Add Passenger Details   >>>   Payment    >>>   Confirmation   

Some of the issues with the current website (as of writing) include but are not limited to: the lack of visibility of elements, delays in user feedback, the presence of unnecessary steps, and lack of clarity at certain steps.


Considering that SereneAir is a relatively new airline and the fact that UX Design as a profession is still in its early-stages, it is no surprise that their website is not the most user-friendly. For the purpose of this assignment, I focused on the homepage, as well as the flight purchase user-flow, that is:

Search for flight     >>>    Select Flights     >>>    Add Passenger Details   >>>   Payment    >>>   Confirmation   

Some of the issues with the current website (as of writing) include but are not limited to: the lack of visibility of elements, delays in user feedback, the presence of unnecessary steps, and lack of clarity at certain steps.


Considering that SereneAir is a relatively new airline and the fact that UX Design as a profession is still in its early-stages, it is no surprise that their website is not the most user-friendly. For the purpose of this assignment, I focused on the homepage, as well as the flight purchase user-flow, that is:

Search for flight     >>>    Select Flights     >>>    Add Passenger Details   >>>   Payment    >>>   Confirmation   

Some of the issues with the current website (as of writing) include but are not limited to: the lack of visibility of elements, delays in user feedback, the presence of unnecessary steps, and lack of clarity at certain steps.


Considering that SereneAir is a relatively new airline and the fact that UX Design as a profession is still in its early-stages, it is no surprise that their website is not the most user-friendly. For the purpose of this assignment, I focused on the homepage, as well as the flight purchase user-flow, that is:

Search for flight     >>>    Select Flights     >>>    Add Passenger Details   >>>   Payment    >>>   Confirmation   

Some of the issues with the current website (as of writing) include but are not limited to: the lack of visibility of elements, delays in user feedback, the presence of unnecessary steps, and lack of clarity at certain steps.

The Process

After highlighting and understanding the problems with the current SereneAir website, it was time for research. Since we were dealing with a company that is mainly operating in Pakistan, it was important to understand how the business dynamics could differ from an international airline, while also being sensitive to the difference in culture and mindset of the target user demographic. In order to do this, I called some people I knew in Pakistan to understand how one would go about booking a flight.

One of the key findings was that a wide majority of users in Pakistan still purchase flights through travel agents, and that too over the phone or by visiting an office. By comparison, younger people and those that are more acquainted with the internet, especially the world of e-commerce, preferred buying tickets online.

This helped me narrow down my target audience, talk to a few more people that fit the criteria, and with them in mind, get to designing. The timeline to get this project done was about a week, so time was of the essence.


After highlighting and understanding the problems with the current SereneAir website, it was time for research. Since we were dealing with a company that is mainly operating in Pakistan, it was important to understand how the business dynamics could differ from an international airline, while also being sensitive to the difference in culture and mindset of the target user demographic. In order to do this, I called some people I knew in Pakistan to understand how one would go about booking a flight.

One of the key findings was that a wide majority of users in Pakistan still purchase flights through travel agents, and that too over the phone or by visiting an office. By comparison, younger people and those that are more acquainted with the internet, especially the world of e-commerce, preferred buying tickets online.

This helped me narrow down my target audience, talk to a few more people that fit the criteria, and with them in mind, get to designing. The timeline to get this project done was about a week, so time was of the essence.


After highlighting and understanding the problems with the current SereneAir website, it was time for research. Since we were dealing with a company that is mainly operating in Pakistan, it was important to understand how the business dynamics could differ from an international airline, while also being sensitive to the difference in culture and mindset of the target user demographic. In order to do this, I called some people I knew in Pakistan to understand how one would go about booking a flight.

One of the key findings was that a wide majority of users in Pakistan still purchase flights through travel agents, and that too over the phone or by visiting an office. By comparison, younger people and those that are more acquainted with the internet, especially the world of e-commerce, preferred buying tickets online.

This helped me narrow down my target audience, talk to a few more people that fit the criteria, and with them in mind, get to designing. The timeline to get this project done was about a week, so time was of the essence.


After highlighting and understanding the problems with the current SereneAir website, it was time for research. Since we were dealing with a company that is mainly operating in Pakistan, it was important to understand how the business dynamics could differ from an international airline, while also being sensitive to the difference in culture and mindset of the target user demographic. In order to do this, I called some people I knew in Pakistan to understand how one would go about booking a flight.

One of the key findings was that a wide majority of users in Pakistan still purchase flights through travel agents, and that too over the phone or by visiting an office. By comparison, younger people and those that are more acquainted with the internet, especially the world of e-commerce, preferred buying tickets online.

This helped me narrow down my target audience, talk to a few more people that fit the criteria, and with them in mind, get to designing. The timeline to get this project done was about a week, so time was of the essence.


After highlighting and understanding the problems with the current SereneAir website, it was time for research. Since we were dealing with a company that is mainly operating in Pakistan, it was important to understand how the business dynamics could differ from an international airline, while also being sensitive to the difference in culture and mindset of the target user demographic. In order to do this, I called some people I knew in Pakistan to understand how one would go about booking a flight.

One of the key findings was that a wide majority of users in Pakistan still purchase flights through travel agents, and that too over the phone or by visiting an office. By comparison, younger people and those that are more acquainted with the internet, especially the world of e-commerce, preferred buying tickets online.

This helped me narrow down my target audience, talk to a few more people that fit the criteria, and with them in mind, get to designing. The timeline to get this project done was about a week, so time was of the essence.

The Goal

The goal was to improve the website's visual and interaction design. However, it was also important to maintain the already existing brand identity. Imagine having to make visual changes all across a new airline brand, meaning all your airplanes, advertisements, etc. The amount of money and time that would take would take a toll on SereneAir.

As such, elements that worked well have been kept or repurposed in the redesign alongside the new, while others that were not required were removed. All changes made have been done while keeping in mind the principles of visual and interaction design, for instance, gestalt's principles, use of line and space, visibility, and feedback.

Goal and Notes

The goal was to improve the website's visual and interaction design. However, it was also important to maintain the already existing brand identity. Imagine having to make visual changes all across a new airline brand, meaning all your airplanes, advertisements, etc. The amount of money and time that would take would take a toll on SereneAir.

As such, elements that worked well have been kept or repurposed in the redesign alongside the new, while others that were not required were removed. All changes made have been done while keeping in mind the principles of visual and interaction design, for instance, gestalt's principles, use of line and space, visibility, and feedback.

Goal and Notes

The goal was to improve the website's visual and interaction design. However, it was also important to maintain the already existing brand identity. Imagine having to make visual changes all across a new airline brand, meaning all your airplanes, advertisements, etc. The amount of money and time that would take would take a toll on SereneAir.

As such, elements that worked well have been kept or repurposed in the redesign alongside the new, while others that were not required were removed. All changes made have been done while keeping in mind the principles of visual and interaction design, for instance, gestalt's principles, use of line and space, visibility, and feedback.

Goal and Notes

The goal was to improve the website's visual and interaction design. However, it was also important to maintain the already existing brand identity. Imagine having to make visual changes all across a new airline brand, meaning all your airplanes, advertisements, etc. The amount of money and time that would take would take a toll on SereneAir.

As such, elements that worked well have been kept or repurposed in the redesign alongside the new, while others that were not required were removed. All changes made have been done while keeping in mind the principles of visual and interaction design, for instance, gestalt's principles, use of line and space, visibility, and feedback.

Goal and Notes

The goal was to improve the website's visual and interaction design. However, it was also important to maintain the already existing brand identity. Imagine having to make visual changes all across a new airline brand, meaning all your airplanes, advertisements, etc. The amount of money and time that would take would take a toll on SereneAir.

As such, elements that worked well have been kept or repurposed in the redesign alongside the new, while others that were not required were removed. All changes made have been done while keeping in mind the principles of visual and interaction design, for instance, gestalt's principles, use of line and space, visibility, and feedback.

Design Changes

Design Changes

Serene Original – Home
Serene Edited – Home
Original – Loader
Edited – Loader
Original – Select Flights
Edited – Select Flights
Original – Passenger Info
Edited – Passenger Info
Original – Payment Option 1
Edited – Payment
Original – Confirmed
Edited – Confirmation

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