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Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Creative by nature, I got into the world of design during high school when I started designing logos and posters for student clubs. Back then, designing was just a hobby to me — little did I know it would turn into a career 10 years forward. I decided to pursue business and finance during my undergrad at NYU Shanghai, only to realize I wasn't interested in finance. Instead, I graduated as an Interactive Media [Arts] major, with minors in Business of Entertainment, Media and Technology (BEMT), and Social Science with a focus on Psychology. 

My experiences so far help me create a solid base for design processes with a focus on cleanliness, effectiveness, pragmatism, and aesthetics. That said, I still have a lot to learn and am always looking to expand my knowledge and skill set.

In my free time you can find me geeking out over cars, traveling, hanging out with friends, or just taking a stroll in nature if the weather permits.

Send me memes, opportunities, and ideas at zeerak.fayiz@gmail.com !

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